Billing Consultant

jmorales hace 8 años en Accounting/Collections Modules actualizado por crystalp hace 8 años 1

Has anyone ever hired a billing consultant in regards to mental health? Who have you used?


No Diagnosis

Rochelle Garcia hace 8 años en ICD-10/DSM5 actualizado por Richard Sethre, PsyD hace 7 años 8


I am searching for the correct ICD10 code for a client who was seen for a Diagnostic Assessment but has no diagnosis. In the ICD10 book I found Z71.1. Has anyone used this dx code? Was it covered?



Place of Service - 53

mboron hace 8 años en Billing/Electronic Modules actualizado hace 8 años 2

Is anyone using Place of Service 53 (Community Mental Health Center) when billing? If so, what are you doing with the upcoming changes Blue Cross Blue Shield is making to this Place of Service? Or has anyone heard if other payers will be making this change also?


what scanner works well to scan documents into Procentive?

officemanager hace 8 años en User Group Help actualizado por lstoll hace 8 años 1

we are looking for a stand alone scanner to scan our documents. Which one would you suggest?


EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It!

Sara Serier hace 8 años en Industry News/Discussion 0

Procentive Knowledge Hub is live! Remember that place (wink,wink) that all staff could find answer to their questions?

Well... that place is now live. We call it Knowledge Hub. It's a hub of Procentive knowledge.

Beneath the modules, you will see a button that says Knowledge Hub. You will be directed to a place where you can search for questions and get the answers you need within a few clicks.


​EXTRA! EXTRA! We want your input!

Sara Serier hace 8 años en Industry News/Discussion actualizado hace 8 años 4

EXTRA! EXTRA! We want your input.

What if Procentive had a place (wink, wink) that all staff could find answers to their questions? What might they be?

We are curious...share your commonly asked questions.

If you are a champion, what questions are most asked of you?

If you are a clinician or admin, what questions do you typically have?

Examples: How do I reset my digital signature password? Why can’t I change my service line? I got a workflow notification- what do I do with it?


TX Plan pulled to Discharge Summary

Allysa hace 8 años en Clinical Charting Module actualizado por Sara Serier hace 8 años 1

Wondering if there is someway to have the last TX plan pull to the discharge summary. What happens is, it will pull if the discharge summary is done within the 90 days that the TX plan is valid but if outside that time it does not pull. The reason of it being outside that time frame would be that the client has not returned so the clinician has not done a new TX plan but is still in a waiting period to see if the client is going to return. This just depends on when the last appointment falls. It there a setting that can be changed just for the one form?


What kinds of client documents do you fax into Procentive?

Kim Ross hace 8 años en e-Faxing 0

We use it for new client referral docs from referral sources. But other options may be: Insurance cards, med records requests, etc. I think we may underusing the fabulous Procentive fax feature...