RESOLVED: Clients Module, Time Module, Staff Availability Re-Updated:
Thank you all for your notifications and examples on the tickets you submitted. Those specific examples were critical in determining the remaining fixes needed. We, at Procentive and BillCare, understand this was an inconvenience to you, both yesterday and today, as we actively determined cause and fixed each issue as it became aware. I sincerely apologize. As we continue to enhance our product for you, it is not our intent to release enhancements causing undesired ramifications.
Please know we take this very seriously and we will be meeting to determine what did and didn’t work in the enhancement process. I have noted the ProCare User Community’s comments/wishes and I will take them into consideration to improve our communication to you moving forward.
If you have any additional questions/concerns or may still be experiencing issues, please submit a ticket for assistance from our Care Team.
Alicia Swanson

KNOWN ISSUES -- Procentive is down -- RESOLVED
Procentive servers are down right now. We are working to resolve the issue ASAP and will update this post once we have more information.

KNOWN ISSUE: Tricare is changing!
This article is no longer accurate. Please review this topic instead.
As of January 1, 2018 Tricare will be making the following changes:
Claims contractor will no longer be PGBANew claims contractor will be Health Net Federal Services (HNFS)North Region and South Region are being removedEast Region will replace the previous North and South Regions
What does this mean for you?
If you are a Tricare provider and would like to continue receiving EFT and ERA, you will need to fill out and submit the following applications:
For ERA: Tricare 2018 ERA Pre-Enrollment ApplicationFor EFT: Tricare 2018 EFT Pre-Enrollment Application
You may have received these applications in the mail however, we want to make this process as easy as possible for you so we have re-created these paper forms as fillable PDF documents!
Please submit these completed applications to:
HNFS at 1-888-282-2841 Attn: T2017 West EFT/ERA
Procentive at 1-888-354-9053 (ERA application only)
If we do not receive a copy, we will be unable to assist you in the application process.
Thank you!

KNOWN ISSUE: Cigna Claims Have Rejection
We have received notice from the clearinghouse that claims sent to Cigna after August 19, 2017 with any of the following diagnoses were rejected in error:
• N63 • T1491 • A047 • T148 • P293 • Z36 • C962 • K913 • M4806 • P838 • T1490 • I272 • T07 • K5660 • K5669 • O0020 • O0010 | • H5442
• K565 • D470 • H5441 • Q5321 • Q5311 • H542 • E858 • H5452 • H540 • H5411 • H5412 • O0021 • P918 • H5451 • K060 • O0011 |
The affected claims were rejected with the following rejection messages:
A3:254 - Acknowledgement/Returned as unprocessable claim-The claim/encounter has been rejected and has not been entered into the adjudication system. Principal Diagnosis Code for Service(s) Rendered.
A3:255 - Acknowledgement/Returned as unprocessable claim-The claim/encounter has been rejected and has not been entered into the adjudication system. Diagnosis Code for Service(s) Rendered.
If this applies to you:
Cigna is working to resolve the issue.
• Claims that rejected on or after 08/20/2017 will be identified and corrected.
• No action is needed. Estimated Completion Date: TBD
• An updated batch report will be sent upon the correction of the rejected claims.
Thank you!

This is resolved.
Per the clearinghouse, this was officially considered resolved on 9/3/17 which is sooner than the anticipated date of 9/6/17. Cigna has started to replay the affected claims. If you had any claims impacted by this issue, you should see a new response in the Electronic Module over the next few days.

KNOWN ISSUES: Billing error -- Extra space in middle initial
In order to prevent errors in claim submission and speed up the payment process for customers, Procentive recently started scrubbing claims data for extra spaces in areas like the client's name, address, policy ID, etc.
Today, for certain payers (not all of them), the system is showing an error that says, "The client's middle name may not have spaces before or after." In some cases, the error is a false error (meaning, there is not actually an extra space in the middle initial).
This problem will be resolved by tomorrow morning, as soon as our system updates overnight tonight.
Once the solution is confirmed to be working, we will update this post.
Thank you,
Kevin Holmes

KNOWN ISSUES: Procentive Unavailable
We are currently experiencing an issue and we're working to resolve this. It should be back to normal shortly. Thank you for your patience.

This has been resolved and you may login to Procentive normally again. Thank you for your patience during this time.

Known Issue: Missing Hennepin Health ERAs [RESOLVED]
Attention Procentive Customers:
We are aware of an issue where users are not receiving Hennepin Health ERAs into Procentive. Availity is actively investigating this issue with the payer at this time.
We will provide additional updates once available.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our care team by submitting a case to Procentive through our Therapy Brands Community Portal.

Known Issue: Users unable to select codes when adding time - Resolved
Attention Procentive Users:
Thank you for your patience. The maintenance last night was successful and this issue should now be resolved.

Known Issue: Delays or Connection Issues with the ePrescribe Module
Attention Procentive Customers:
Customers that utilize the NewCrop ePrescribing module may be experiencing delays or connectivity issues.
Our team is working to resolve this as quickly as possible.
For more updates and to subscribe for future updates, please refer to the NewCrop status page:
We will provide another update once resolved.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to our support team via the Therapy Brands Community Portal.

NewCrop has completed the updates and performance is restored. They will be monitoring the system closely over the next 24 hours.
For any Non-NewCrop related performance issues, please reach out to our support team via the Therapy Brands Community Portal.
Holly Byrnes
Customer Support Leader

Known Issue: Delays within the ePrescribe Module [RESOLVED]
Attention Procentive Customers:
We believe this issue has been resolved.
If you are experiencing any continued issues with the ePrescribe module, please reach out to our support team via the Therapy Brands Community Portal.
Attention Procentive Customers:
Customers that utilize the NewCrop ePrescribing module may be experiencing delays.
Our team is working to resolve this as quickly as possible.
For more updates and to subscribe for future updates, please refer to the NewCrop status page:
We will provide another update once resolved.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to our support team via the Therapy Brands Community Portal.
Customer support service by UserEcho