signatures, Green Documentation Icon (in Time Module) open the clinical document linked.

Kristy Dunham 3 years ago in Workflow Module updated by Heather L. Heim 3 years ago 1

It appears as though the TIME Module features many of the primary elements for workflow management , but in order to ensure the linked clinical/charting document is signed User's are required to open and go into the actual document.  It would be very convenient if an additional column was added, or modification of icons (representing whether a clinical document exists or not) to indicate whether the note has been signed (specifically speaking from a clinical trainee POV), for efficiency purposes. 


Workflow definitions - Can we add them just to one account for a trial?

jessica 4 years ago in Workflow Module updated by Sheryl Martin 4 years ago 1

I would like to try to set up Workflow definitions and alerts. Am I able to do that on my account only without it sending alerts to other Procentive accounts on my agency? I was hoping to learn more about the process before introducing it to our entire team. 


Workflow alerts

I'm trying to set up alerts in Workflow to send reminders 15 days prior to the expiration date. I've looked at Workflow definitions and I *believe* I set up an alert but I'm not sure if it will be activated correctly. Thoughts?


Workflow Question

Laura Anderson 4 years ago in Workflow Module updated by Bobbi 4 years ago 1

Does anyone else have a Clinical Trainee and use workflow to send documents that need the Clinical Supervisor's signature to them once complete? We have ongoing issues with this working correctly, specifically the Clinical Supervisor that needs to receive the Clinical Trainee's documentation also receives our other Clinical Supervisor's documentation as well. 



Rachael Smith (VP, Professional Services) 6 years ago in Workflow Module updated 6 years ago 4

KNOWN ISSUE:  Workflow Tasks are triggering retroactive workflows.  Our engineers are currently evaluating this issue.  We will update you when this has been resolved.  If you have any questions please send a ticket to Procentive Customer Support.

Thank you,

Rachael Smith

Onboarding and Implementation Team Manager


This issue has been resolved.


Workflow set-up using staff interaction type - anyone with experience using this?

Calah Hansen 7 years ago in Workflow Module updated by Kim Ross 7 years ago 4

Hi all, 

Does anyone use interaction type when setting up Workflows?  We are interested but want to find out more information before changing all current clients/ staff/ interaction types.  Thanks in advance for any help on this!



workflow - complete status

Jamie Skrove 7 years ago in Workflow Module updated by Deanna Cahoon-Draus 7 years ago 3

This week, noticed an issue with workflow not allowing you to change project status to "complete".  Anyone experiencing this issue or have a ticket in on this issue?

Deanna Cahoon-Draus 7 years ago

Hello Jamie!

As the others said this is a new permission from the enhancements that went into the system last week. The permission is called "Ability to set Project complete". Once you have been granted that permission you will be able to complete workflow projects

Here are step by step instructions:

Staff Module > Select a staff > Role tab > Select Edit Roles link > type project > Check "Ability to set Project complete" > Select Change Role

Repeat these steps for any of the roles that need to complete workflow projects :)



teresa trepanier 7 years ago in Workflow Module 0

Is anyone else having issues with workflow with the interaction types that you use? We have multiple programs so how I have it set up is I have a project for tx plans but for each program. for example I have a tx plan for ARMHS and MH I then set each of them up with their own workflow project by program and they each have their own interaction type for that program. However when I change one it changes the other to what I just updated let's say Mental Health. I am getting really annoyed. I did not even copy one from the other and they are different tx plans as well. Anyone else notice this? 

thank you 

Teresa with North Homes Children and Family Services 


H2015 UA location

Kayla Kenworthy 7 years ago in Workflow Module updated by Kris Copeland 7 years ago 1

For a H2015 UA code, what would you put for the place of service? I've had it office, telehealth, etc. and MN DHS will not cover


Workflow not working

Rochelle Garcia 7 years ago in Workflow Module updated by Ben Simpson 7 years ago 5


Has anyone experienced the workflow module not working today? All of our staff has complained about their workflows popping up from 2014.  Even after sorting and filtering it still shows all of the projects in the module.