
KNOWN ISSUE: Cigna Claims Have Rejection

Ashley M 8 years ago in Known Issues updated 7 years ago 1

We have received notice from the clearinghouse that claims sent to Cigna after August 19, 2017  with any of the following diagnoses were rejected in error:

• N63
• T1491
• A047
• T148
• P293
• Z36
• C962
• K913
• M4806
• P838
• T1490
• I272
• T07
• K5660
• K5669
• O0020
• O0010 
• H5442
• K565
• D470
• H5441
• Q5321
• Q5311
• H542
• E858
• H5452
• H540
• H5411
• H5412
• O0021
• P918
• H5451
• K060
• O0011

The affected claims were rejected with the following rejection messages:

A3:254 - Acknowledgement/Returned as unprocessable claim-The claim/encounter has been rejected and has not been entered into the adjudication system. Principal Diagnosis Code for Service(s) Rendered.
A3:255 - Acknowledgement/Returned as unprocessable claim-The claim/encounter has been rejected and has not been entered into the adjudication system. Diagnosis Code for Service(s) Rendered.

If this applies to you:

Cigna is working to resolve the issue.
•  Claims that rejected on or after 08/20/2017 will be identified and corrected.

•  No action is needed. Estimated Completion Date: TBD
•  An updated batch report will be sent upon the correction of the rejected claims.

Thank you!



This is resolved.
Per the clearinghouse, this was officially considered resolved on 9/3/17 which is sooner than the anticipated date of 9/6/17. Cigna has started to replay the affected claims. If you had any claims impacted by this issue, you should see a new response in the Electronic Module over the next few days. 


This is resolved.
Per the clearinghouse, this was officially considered resolved on 9/3/17 which is sooner than the anticipated date of 9/6/17. Cigna has started to replay the affected claims. If you had any claims impacted by this issue, you should see a new response in the Electronic Module over the next few days.