
Known Issues: Units issue in Time/Add

Kevin Holmes vor 8 Jahren in Known Issues aktualisiert vor 8 Jahren 2

In the Time module, Add window, Individual view, if the Units field is completed prior to the Start/End time or Hours fields, the Hours field no longer auto calculates based on the number of Units entered. We're working to resolve this and hope to have this fully resolved by Thursday, December 22.

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UPDATE: The team has resolved the issue so that now, when you enter units it will calculate hours correctly. HOWEVER, it now appears that when you enter hours it is not calculating units correctly. We are working to resolve this issue right now and will update the system as soon a solution is in place.


RESOLVED -- All issues are now resolved in how the system is calculating units and hours in time/add. If you continue to have any issues in this area, please send a ticket to the help desk. Thank you.