
KNOWN ISSUES: Eligibility is down for MN MA

Kevin Holmes 8 years ago in Known Issues updated 8 years ago 1

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From: "Fenske, Clark W (MNIT)"
Date: Jan 9, 2017 8:01 AM
Subject: MN Medicaid Real Time Eligibility Connectivity

Real Time Eligibility users,

Our Operations team has informed me that they are having to perform system maintenance this morning and currently impacting Real Time 270/271 application causing Time Out Errors. I am awaiting more information from them and will pass this on when I receive it.

Clark Fenske

Business Analyst | Program Management Division


UPDATE FROM MA -- Real-time Eligibility is up and running!

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From: "Fenske, Clark W (MNIT)"
Date: Jan 9, 2017 10:36 AM
Subject: Update: MN Medicaid Real Time Eligibility Connectivity

Our Real Time Eligibility application is now up and running.

Regards, Clark