
Recurring Payments using Prcentives new Credit Card processing function

anonymous 7 year бұрын в Payments/ERA Modules updated by Chris Werner 4 year бұрын 8

Quick question regarding the new credit card processing module/featurre in Procentive...is there a mechanism that allows to set up recurring auto payments. In order for us to find this to be a useful tool being able to set up automatic recurring payments on clients would be a necessary function in order for us to even consider switching over. Is this a function this product can do????

Pat Stream 7 year бұрын

Richard - the feature has a vault that allows CC numbers to be store securely (i.e. PCI compliant) so that they can be run on a monthly basis. However, there is not automatic recurring payments. With the vault, and if you have a reminder system else where, you can enter the credit card portion of Procentive and run the client's credit card whenever you need to. Thanks for the question!


Performance improvements -- An update from Procentive

Kevin Holmes 7 year бұрын в Known Issues updated by crystalp 7 year бұрын 3

Hello everyone,

We are still working hard to enhance the overall performance of Procentive for everyone. We are reaching out today to summarize the work we have been doing, and give you an idea of what is yet to come.

First, we continue to make enhancements to a variety of areas in the product in order to improve display times, and eliminate bad queries (searches that have the potential to slow things down). This has led to changes in the way information displays in Time, Clinical/Charting, and Ticketing, for example.

Second, we have added a server (with a solid-state drive) to manage the heavier modules in Procentive. This project is taking longer than anticipated, but we expect it to be live on the system by the end of this current week. The “heavier” modules within Procentive (like Clinical/Charting, Billing, and the Client Module) tend to require more processing power, either due to the number of records within the module, or due to the complex search queries that can be performed within them. The new server will handle these modules separately – making them faster, while preventing them from negatively impacting the rest of the system.

Third, we dedicated a new webserver to handle the traffic for staff at Procentive. This change was made last Thursday night, and it has helped to eliminate any potentially negative impact that Procentive staff might have had on the live site.

Fourth, we are upgrading our current mirror servers and replacing them with new servers, all with solid-state drives. We will begin implementing the new servers early this coming week.

We do apologize to everyone for the added frustration that recent performance issues have caused, and we ask for your continued patience as we put forth efforts to resolve the problem.

If you have further questions, please let us know.

Thank you,

Kevin Holmes

Director of Product Services


Is it possible to use the documents module to scan in a copy of client's insurance card which could be saved in the client module?

LynnF 7 year бұрын в Clients Module updated by anordman 7 year бұрын 9

We have always kept a hard copy of the client's insurance card, but would rather be able to scan and upload it as a document and store it in the client module. Just wondering if that is possible?


H2019 U1 and H2019 U1 HQ denying PR 96 or CO 45 from Aetna and BCBS PMAP for 2017 DOS

crystalp 7 year бұрын в Billing/Electronic Modules updated by Laura Hulsey 7 year бұрын 7

Anyone else having all of your H2019 U1 and H2019 U1 HQ (DBT codes) denying from Aetna or BCBS PMAP for DOS in 2017? Aetna is denying CO 45 because the system is not recognizing the modifiers of U1 and U1 HQ. Similiar issue with BCBS PMAP, their new claims system is not reading the modifiers, so they are denying CO 96 bc they think it's a hospital visit. This impacts our clinic in a huge way. If you're having the same issues, please contact your BCBS rep and let them know so they will understand how big of an impact this is. We don't really have an Aetna rep, so I have no one to communicate this with, except calling to get the claims reprocessed, which I should not have to do!


CareCast Webinar: Direct Messaging

Caleb Zimmermann 7 year бұрын в Industry News/Discussion 0

Hi everyone!

Last week we had our webinar on Direct Messaging. If you were unable to attend or are interested, you can view it below or go to our Knowledge Hub article about it here.


Integrated Electronic Client Payments

Pat Stream 7 year бұрын в Billing/Electronic Modules 0

Great news! Our electronic client payments integration is now up and running. We just recently did a live demo last Thursday. But if you weren't able to attend, you can view a recording of it below or view an article on it in our Knowledge Hub here.

We are very excited to be partnering with Complete Merchant Solutions for this integration into Procentive. If you know that you are interested and want to find out more information, simply click here.


Another day, another slowdown

Ben Simpson 7 year бұрын в Clinical Charting Module updated by Pat Stream 7 year бұрын 4

Getting many reports from frustrated clinicians that Procentive is extremely slow today.

I have ruled out our network, which is flying.

This is getting to the point that the management team and I are actively looking into alternatives. This ammount of downtime/slowdown time is unacceptable.



Ashley M 7 year бұрын в Known Issues жаңартылды 7 year бұрын 25

We are aware of multiple missing ERAs from United Health Care which is the umbrella that covers multiple payers including United Behavioral Health. A case has been opened with the clearinghouse to address this issue and we will post another update when we have more information.

Ashley M 7 year бұрын


This issue has been resolved, per this updated Known Issues post, which is why you are receiving an influx of previously dated ERAs. These are the ERAs we were unable to get from the clearinghouse while the issue was ongoing. You should no longer be missing any ERAs however, if you find that you are please submit a ticket to the Support Desk for further research.

Thank you,



KNOWN ISSUES: Ticketing display

Kevin Holmes 7 year бұрын в Known Issues жаңартылды 7 year бұрын 1

We discovered this morning that when you select to show "all Tickets connected to me" in Ticketing, the system was displaying all tickets for the entire company. We are working to resolve this issue now and should have it fixed soon.


Ticketing Module

Denise Gardner 7 year бұрын в User Group Help updated by Kevin Holmes 7 year бұрын 4

When staff are going into the ticketing module, they are getting the entire list of tickets for the agency, not just their's even when they choose the appropriate filter at the top. Is this occurring anywhere else?