
KNOWN ISSUE: MN MA Eligibility

Ashley M 7 years ago in Known Issues updated by Jessica Sommerfeld 7 years ago 1

This morning we received the following communication from MN MA/DHS:

Attention MN Medicaid Real Time Eligibility users:

MN Medicaid’s Real Time Eligibility applications are currently returning error messages. Our Operations team are working to restore connectivity. We will advise when the applications become available.

We've been testing this and connectivity appears to be sporadic. Once MN MA has connectivity fully restored we will update this post.

Jessica Sommerfeld 7 years ago

This has been resolved.


Mental Health NP - Billing Rates

Amber W 7 years ago in Billing/Electronic Modules updated 7 years ago 0

Hello. We recently hired an Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner to our staff and are working on figuring out what rates to bill for her services.

Does anyone currently have a NP and if so what are you billing for an intake (1 hr) session and a follow up/med check session (20 min)??? What rates do you charge for Private Pay sessions?


An explanation of last week's outage

Kevin Holmes 7 years ago in Known Issues updated by Jessica Sommerfeld 7 years ago 1

Hello everyone,

I am writing to provide an explanation for the outage we experienced last Wednesday afternoon, beginning at approximately 4:40 p.m.

While we have made significant upgrades to nearly every part of our infrastructure over the last 90 days, and we have seen marked improvement in our overall performance and user experience during that time, the cause of the problem last Wednesday was not connected to any of these recent changes.

Instead, the outage was caused by a hardware failure on our main database. You may find it interesting, or odd, or just plain unlucky given our recent performance issues -- but this particular problem has never occurred before in the history of Procentive. The hardware in question had been upgraded in 2016, as well.

Because the problem was connected to the main database, our systems engineers exercised additional caution in bringing the system back online, which is why it took nearly an hour before Procentive was accessible to customers again.

Our engineers have made the necessary fixes to the system and added extra consistency checks so we can meet our optimal recovery time should this happen again (which should be unlikely).

We apologize for this and other recent performance issues. Please know that we care about you, and your staff. We care about the work you do. And because of this, we will continue to work hard to make Procentive the best it can be now, and far into the future.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Thank you,

Kevin Holmes

Director of Product Services


Electronic Client Payments and Deposits

Tina B 7 years ago in User Group Help updated by Caleb Zimmermann 7 years ago 3

When using the Electronic Payment, are the funds received via EFT to your bank account and are the fees subtracted prior to being deposited? Thanks


KNOWN ISSUE: UBH/Medica Claims and ERAs

Ashley M 7 years ago in Known Issues updated 7 years ago 21

Claims submitted on or after 3/30/2017 have the "Sent" status in the Electronic module for payer ID 87726 and some ERAs are not yet flowing into Procentive. We are working with the clearinghouse to determine the cause of this however, they have verified that they are receiving the claims and they've been sent on to UBH/Medica for processing. We will update this post as soon as we have more information from the clearinghouse. Thank you!

Ashley M 7 years ago

This has been resolved. After monitoring UHC ERAs this week they appear to be coming through daily. We appreciate your cooperation and assistance with this difficult issue. Thank you!


Best tablet device for having clients complete screeners/assessments?

Jessica Bleninger 7 years ago in Client Portal 0


We will soon be transitioning to having our client's fill out PHQ's, GAD-7's, WHODAS, etc. on tablets, which will then flow into our DA's. Any suggestions for what seems to work best? iPads? Androids? Thanks! :)


MN MA Eligibility Down

Jessica Sommerfeld 7 years ago in Known Issues updated by Ashley M 7 years ago 5

We're receiving some time out errors when running eligibility this morning. MN MA is currently working to resolve this error and we'll update this page as soon as we have more information from MN MA. Thanks!

Ashley M 7 years ago

MN MA has sent the following update, stating that all issues have been resolved:
The system was fully restored yesterday 4/4/17 at approximately 4:53 pm (CDT). We apologize for the inconvenience this caused and thank you for your continued support.

Since MN MA's system is working again you can run eligibility through Procentive as usual.



Here at Family Innovations, we are looking to provide Comprehensive Community Services in WI, my wonder is if you have agencies in WI that are providing this service, as I am needing to create forms for documentation (case notes) and I don't want to recreate the wheel if there are others that are already using Procentive for WI documentation.



Jessica Sommerfeld 7 years ago in Known Issues updated 7 years ago 1

We've received notice from MN MA / DHS that they've been having intermittent issues all day, resulting in a delay in acceptance and processing of claims. The most recent update is listed below.

Per DHS: Our Operations is performing system maintenance which will result in downtime for about 1.5 – 2 hours in an attempt to resolve the time out issues we are currently experiencing.

Once their system is working properly they should begin accepting and processing the claims that have been sent to them. This means that in Procentive you may see the "Status" in the Electronic module as either "Sent" or "No Response". When reviewing the batch report(s), once MN MA has processed the claims there will be a "999 file" listed at the top of that batch report, letting you know that they have accepted the claim into their system for processing.

If you have any questions please submit a ticket to the Procentive Support Desk.

Thank you!

Jessica Sommerfeld 7 years ago

MN MA's system has caught up and claims submitted have been accepted. If you have any questions or concerns please submit a ticket to the Procentive Support Desk. Thank you!