Change in PMI numbers

Rochelle Garcia 8 years ago in Payments/ERA Modules updated by crystalp 8 years ago 4

Has anyone noticed that some of their client's PMI numbers have completely changed? I have had quite a few clients who have had the same PMI number for years and when I search MN–ITS it states it inactive but come to find out they have a completely new number.  Ive used names and DOB but get errors.  Not sure if this has happened to anyone or if you have any suggestions on where to find this information. Someone mentioned it could be because of the MN Sure market.  Is there a place for providers to check there? or just stick to MN–ITS?

We have found a few different reasons why this is happening, and that it's best to connect with the family to ask for changes in insurance or numbers.  Mainly, due to adoption, or changes from PMAP's to straight MA and vice versa as the clients change from one category of eligibility to another (i.e. financially eligible changes to CADI waiver, TEFRA, etc.)  My own son was given 5 different numbers in one year.  It was a giant headache to keep it straight!  Sometimes if you add in the SSN number to your searches the new PMI will come up. 

What happens is when recipients re-apply on line, or have a renewal due, and they put in –incorrect spelling, birthdate, hypen name instead of a space, etc……

If their computer application doesn’t match what is already in our Mnsure (METS) system, a new PMI # is created.  So yes, it is a very huge problem.

If this happens, the best thing to do is try to find it by name.  I am very surprised this is just being notice now as it has been a huge problem, (with no correction in sight), for a while now. Expect it to continue to occur.

If you can get a ROI for the county, they have access to all numbers - and can give you the correct (active) number. It has been a headache since the electronic application process began - and the system started issuing new numbers. :(

Yes, experiencing the same issue.