How are agencies using the certifications tab in the staff module?

Kim Ross 9 lat temu w Staff Module zaktualizowano 9 lat temu 2
I'd like to know how this feature is being used. Is it used for tracking credentialling expirations in connection with workflow? Other?

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DA date of service

Kim Ross 9 lat temu w Billing/Electronic Modules zaktualizowano 9 lat temu 6

What do you use as the service date to bill a DA? MHCP provider manual says to use the date the DA is completed/signed by the provider as opposed to the date the provider sees the client face to face.


How do you bill an add on code with an authorization?

Laura Hulsey 9 lat temu w Billing/Electronic Modules Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Sheryl Martin 8 lat temu 6

Example: a client has Medical Assistance and exceeds the allowed number of units of therapy in a calendar year. A KePro auth is obtained for the add on psychotherapy code, but when billed is sent on same claim with the primary code that does not require authorization. How do other providers handle this?

Thank You.


Spread the wealth

Sara Serier 9 lat temu w User Group Help zaktualizowano 9 lat temu 0

Don't forget this important community guideline!

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Make the community a richer place by sharing your experience and insight. You may have the perfect answer to someone else’s burning question. This is the substance of an online community. It’s how you give back to the community.

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Pro-trivia Time! How well do you know Procentive?

Sara Serier 9 lat temu w Procentive News Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Kim Ross 9 lat temu 4

What new module(s)/features were released in 2015?

Z odpowiedzią


mluber 9 lat temu w Billing/Electronic Modules Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Pat Stream 9 lat temu 1

does anyone use billcare? any feedback ?size of clinic? cost to gross?



Changing recurring appointments?

Kim Ross 9 lat temu w Appointments Module Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez sarah 7 lat temu 12

When staff changes a recurring appointment to a different time or day, etc, and they to "change all" and save, Procentive changes ALL appointments, even past appointments and deleted appointments (the deleted appointments are repopulated). These then show up on the 1300 report as Appointments without Service Lines. When, in fact, they are not! Has anyone else figured out a solution to this problem? (Merry Christmas everyone!)


Assessments completed outside of facility

linda 9 lat temu w Reporting Module 0

We do assessments outside of our facility. We bill the clients insurance company. We want to tract monthly how many we are providing at each facility and be able to follow up how many become our clients. Any suggestions out there?


Windows 10 upgrade

Tanya Leither 9 lat temu w Procentive News Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Mike Boike 9 lat temu 5

Have there been any problems using Procentive when upgrading to Windows 10?