
Clinical/Charting Issue

Sheryl Martin 8 jaar geleden in Clinical Charting Module bijgewerkt door Ashley M 8 jaar geleden 7

Anyone else having troubles with clinical/charting?  When I click to sort by a column, everything disappears.

Ashley M 8 jaar geleden

That is correct; it is necessary for all users to clear their cache going back at least one week for the resolution to take effect. Instructions on how to do this are available on the Knowledge Hub for Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.


KNOWN ISSUE: Client Module

Ashley M 8 jaar geleden in Known Issues bijgewerkt door Pam 8 jaar geleden 3

It has have been brought to our attention that only the first page of clients is currently available on the main page in the Clients Module. Our Engineering Team has identified the issue and is working to input a resolution in the servers.

We want to thank everyone for bringing this to our attention and working with us to find the solution. This should be resolved by tomorrow once the servers have been updated overnight.

UPDATE: This also includes the client DOB being displayed in an incorrect format. The format will return to MM/DD/YYYY once servers have updated overnight.

Ashley M 8 jaar geleden

This is now resolved. All users must clear their cache for the last week (at least) for this to take effect.

Thank you for working with us to resolve this.


80300 and 80301

ppatche 8 jaar geleden in Codes/Rates/Diagnosis Modules 0

Does anyone know which codes replaced the 80300 and 80301 for Drug tests?



Jill 8 jaar geleden in Codes/Rates/Diagnosis Modules bijgewerkt door Richard Sethre, Psy D , L P. 8 jaar geleden 2

Good morning!  I am wondering what experience others have had with billing the testing CPT codes. The specific tests I am looking at would be the MMPI and the MAPI.  I believe this would fall under the 96101?  Some of the questions I have on this is - what is the reimbursement rate like?  How many hours are you able to bill for?  Are you paid separately for the test administration and the write-up or is this one code?  Does this need to be billed along with a DA?  If anyone has a chance to give their thoughts on this it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks & have a great weekend!




Ann 8 jaar geleden in Payments/ERA Modules bijgewerkt 8 jaar geleden 4

We are not getting outpatient BCBS ERAs in Procentive.  Payments are posting, we have to go onto Availity to download the ERAs.  Is anyone else having this problem?  For example, we have check  date 5.9 for Bluelink TPA and CCSTPA, but no ERA is in Procentive.


Medicare G codes for substance abuse

Pegedwende Kinda 8 jaar geleden in User Group Help 0

Good afternoon Procentive Community,

I was just made aware of a G code that we could use to bill Medicare or bill Chemical dependency  services for clients that have Medicare advantage policies. I found the following two codes online :
G0396 (Alcohol and/or substance abuse structured screening and brief intervention services; 15 to 30 minutes) and G0397 (Alcohol and/or substance abuse structured screening and brief intervention services; greater than 30 minutes). I called Medicare and was told that the two codes were covered and there is no limit as to how often we are able to bill them. I would however like to know a little more about the two codes before I add them in procentive. Has anyone heard of the two codes? Do you use them often? Does the rendering provider need to be Medicare eligible? Do you use the two codes just for the assessment or for the individual and group sessions as well? If you only use them for the assessment what codes do you use for the individual/ group sessions afterwards?    

Thank you!


KNOWN ISSUE: MN MA Eligibility Intermittent

Ashley M 8 jaar geleden in Known Issues bijgewerkt 8 jaar geleden 2

This morning we received the following notice from MN MA (DHS):

...We are seeing slow response times and errors returned for our Eligibility Real Time 270/271 application.  I will send an update when I have more information regarding this issue.

What this means for you:

Until further notice from MN MA, eligibility run through Procentive may be slow and/or have errors. When we are notified this has been resolved we will update this post.

Thank you!

Ashley M 8 jaar geleden

Per MN MA this should be resolved.



mboron 8 jaar geleden in Billing/Electronic Modules 0

Is anyone using G-codes and other tracking codes for quality measures and reporting them to the insurance plans? 

If so, are all payers allowing them to process through their systems, such as Commercial plans, MA/PMAP plans, and Medicare?  Or are they rejecting the claims because of these codes?

We are going to be using some that will be tracking BMI (G8417, G8418, G8420, G8422, G8938, G8421 and G8419), Tobacco screening (4004F, 10036F, 4004F 1P, 4004F 8P), Alcohol (G9621, G9622, G9632, G9624) Suicide risk (G8932, G8933), Screening for clinical depression (G8431. G8510, G8433, G8940, G8432, G8511), and PHQ9 (G9511, G9509 and G9510).  Wondering if anyone else has any experience with these codes.

Thank you!


90791 Payout

Stephanie B 8 jaar geleden in Billing/Electronic Modules bijgewerkt door anonymous 8 jaar geleden 4

I have noticed that, besides UBH, the payout difference on a 90791 and a 90837 is only a few dollars. Have others noticed this? Should I be negotiating a higher payout on 90791s?