Has anyone starting storing credit cards in the vault?

Tina B 8 years ago in User Group Help updated by Caleb Zimmermann 8 years ago 20

Did you have clients fill out a form with all the necessary information or do you take it verbally?

Also, has anyone set up any re-occurring accounts?


Suggestions Needed

Caryn Brakenridge 8 years ago in User Group Help updated by Caleb Zimmermann 8 years ago 12


Just wondering what people's feedback is regarding using Ticketing versus Messaging within Procentive. I previously used Ticketing to communicate with staff within Procentive, but some questions have come up about using Messaging as an alternative. Just wondering people's thoughts / preferences.

Also do people use workflow often and do you find it helpful?

Caleb Zimmermann 8 years ago

Hi everyone!

Thank you all for chiming in on this thread. I thought I would respond just so everyone is aware of exactly how ticketing, chat, and messaging work.

Ticketing is the primary way for you to communicate with Procentive. There are Procentive "Champions" at your agency that have been designated to have the permission to send a ticket to us.  You can create a ticket and ask a champion at your agency to upgrade the ticket to Procentive if they are also unable to answer your question.

Chat is a really great feature too and is available from 9am - 3pm each day as was stated above. This feature is also given to key Champions at each agency.

The messaging module is used to communicate internally with other staff at your agency, and we have an add on service that allows you to send direct messages via a secured email address to other providers.  Messaging is not a way that we at Procentive communicate with our clients.

If you are curious what your agency's permissions are or aren't sure if you have chat available for your agency, feel free to send us a ticket and we can get that answered for you.

Have a great day everyone! 
ProCare Team



Paula 8 years ago in User Group Help updated 8 years ago 2

Can anyone tell me how Telehealth (phone therapy) is paying VS. traditional face-to-face therapy?


Medicare G codes for substance abuse

Pegedwende Kinda 8 years ago in User Group Help 0

Good afternoon Procentive Community,

I was just made aware of a G code that we could use to bill Medicare or bill Chemical dependency  services for clients that have Medicare advantage policies. I found the following two codes online :
G0396 (Alcohol and/or substance abuse structured screening and brief intervention services; 15 to 30 minutes) and G0397 (Alcohol and/or substance abuse structured screening and brief intervention services; greater than 30 minutes). I called Medicare and was told that the two codes were covered and there is no limit as to how often we are able to bill them. I would however like to know a little more about the two codes before I add them in procentive. Has anyone heard of the two codes? Do you use them often? Does the rendering provider need to be Medicare eligible? Do you use the two codes just for the assessment or for the individual and group sessions as well? If you only use them for the assessment what codes do you use for the individual/ group sessions afterwards?    

Thank you!


Is anyone else getting booted out of Procentive or freezing?

Tina B 8 years ago in User Group Help updated by cputz 7 years ago 23 1 duplicate
Pat Stream 7 years ago

Good afternoon.  I have merged the two posts today on this topic into one, in order to unify communication going forward.

Thank you all for utilizing this community tool to share your experience with each other.  I want you to know that we strive daily to keep the system running as efficient as possible and to remain online.  As you have experienced there have been episodes today where there has been instability.  Our systems engineers are addressing this as I type.  One of the interventions they're taking is to reset the servers.  So, moving forward this afternoon I expect you all to experience improved performance in the system.  

Thank you again for communicating with us and each other.


UCare: what plans do providers need to be Medicare eligible?

crystalp 8 years ago in User Group Help 0

Does anyone have a clear answer to what UCare plans we must bill with providers who are Medicare eligible? I have been told a couple of different answers by UCare reps. Curious if anyone else has asked this ? to them.

I have that the providers must be Medicare eligible for the following UCare plans: Essentiacare, UCare Connect Medicare (a rep told me this is a new plan, I know about UCare Connect, which is a SNBC plan and I think anyone can see these clients) and UCare for Seniors.


Electronic Client Payments and Deposits

Tina B 8 years ago in User Group Help updated by Caleb Zimmermann 8 years ago 3

When using the Electronic Payment, are the funds received via EFT to your bank account and are the fees subtracted prior to being deposited? Thanks


Billing nursing services

sadie twite 8 years ago in User Group Help 0

Are there any substance abuse facilities out there that are billing for nursing services as well? If so, can we connect as I have a few questions about it!