I ​cannot export report 3010-Appointment Call List to excel

Trina fa 8 anys en User Group Help updated by Kevin Holmes fa 8 anys 1

I cannot export report 3010-Appointment Call List to excel. It says that the excel report is loading but I am never given the option to save it as an excel file!


What are the IP Addresses associated with the Procentive App?

Joey fa 8 anys en User Group Help updated by Jessica Sommerfeld fa 8 anys 1

I'd like to prioritize traffic to and from Procentive on my firewall. What are the IP addresses that Procentive uses?

Jessica Sommerfeld fa 8 anys

This can be setup in Procentive via the Settings module, Security tab. You would enter in the IP addresses used by your company, which will restrict staff from logging into Procentive unless they're using one of the listed/approved IP addresses. There are specific permissions linked to this that will allow a staff to logon from any computer, no matter the IP address or you can restrict staff using permissions to only being able to login under the approved IP Addresses. If you need further assistance in this setup please submit a ticket to the Procentive Support Desk.


Ticketing Module

Denise Gardner fa 8 anys en User Group Help updated by Kevin Holmes fa 8 anys 4

When staff are going into the ticketing module, they are getting the entire list of tickets for the agency, not just their's even when they choose the appropriate filter at the top. Is this occurring anywhere else?



Rochelle Garcia fa 9 anys en User Group Help updated by sfoster fa 7 anys 7

Does anyone practice using Telemedicine? Im curious to know if its covered by insurance companies and how it's billed.


what scanner works well to scan documents into Procentive?

officemanager fa 9 anys en User Group Help updated by lstoll fa 9 anys 1

we are looking for a stand alone scanner to scan our documents. Which one would you suggest?

Community FAQs

Pat Stream fa 11 anys en User Group Help updated by Sara Serier fa 9 anys 0
How to reset your UserEcho password:

How to setup my avatar (profile image):

How to change notification settings (subscriptions):

How to change your name or e-mail address:
Click on the arrow by your name, choose “User profile”, change information, click “Save changes”

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Sara Serier fa 9 anys en User Group Help actualitzat fa 9 anys 0

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