
New ICD10 codes starting October 1

Kevin Holmes 8 lat temu w ICD-10/DSM5 Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez anonymous 7 lat temu 3

Most of you are probably aware, but on Friday, September 30, certain ICD-10 diagnoses codes will expire. They will be replaced by updated codes starting October 1.

I am attaching a .pdf (sent by one of our customers). It shows some of the codes that are changing. If you have other documentation that others might find helpful, feel free to post it here, too.

ICD 10 Code changes-Oct 2016.pdf


New and Expiring ICD10 Codes Starting October 1, 2017

Ashley M 7 lat temu w ICD-10/DSM5 zaktualizowano 7 lat temu 1

You may be aware that on Saturday, September 30 there are certain ICD-10 diagnoses that will expire. These expired diagnoses will be replaced by updated codes on October 1. 

Please familiarize yourself with the list of changes (below) in preparation for this change. The new ICD-10 codes have been added to the Procentive master list and can be added to your Diagnosis Module at any time.

For your convenience the full 2018 ICD-10 Table and Index (PDF, published by CMS) is available here (obtained from CMS.gov).

Each agency is responsible for adding and removing diagnoses as they deem necessary based on the services they provide. For a guide on updating your Diagnoses Module, please see this article on our Knowledge Hub.

Please be sure to update the diagnoses for clients as necessary to avoid any delays in payment. This is best achieved using Report 3701 Complete Client Diagnosis Search which reports all clients with the selected diagnosis. 

Any expired diagnoses submitted on claims for DOS 10/01/2017 and later will be rejected. For assistance with these rejections please review this new article on our Knowledge Hub. 

If you need further assistance please submit a ticket to the Procentive Support Desk.

NEW codes:

F10.11 Alcohol abuse, in remission
F10.21 Alcohol dependence, in remission
F11.11 Opioid abuse, in remission
F11.21 Opioid dependence, in remission
F12.11 Cannabis abuse, in remission
F12.21 Cannabis dependence, in remission
F13.11 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse, in remission
F13.21 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, in remission
F14.11 Cocaine abuse, in remission
F14.21 Cocaine dependence, in remission
F15.11 Other stimulant abuse, in remission
F15.21 Other stimulant dependence, in remission
F16.11 Hallucinogen abuse, in remission
F16.21 Hallucinogen dependence, in remission
F17.201 Nicotine dependence, unspecified, in remission
F18.11 Inhalant abuse, in remission
F18.21 Inhalant dependence, in remission
F19.11 Other psychoactive substance abuse, in remission
F19.21 Other psychoactive substance dependence, in remission

Changing codes:

F50.82 (was F50.89) Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder

F50.89 is now Other specified eating disorder


Conversation about Procentive's training materials and conversion tools

Pat Stream 9 lat temu w ICD-10/DSM5 zaktualizowano 9 lat temu 4
How have you utilized Procentive's training materials and conversion tools in preparation for the ICD-10/DSM 5 transition?

New ICD 10 code changes

sfoster 2 lat temu w ICD-10/DSM5 zaktualizowano 2 lat temu 16

Hello, I just had a couple of claims reject for what appears to be code updates or subdivisions of the code;


  • F43.8, "Other reactions to severe stress," is being subdivided into two new codes — one to capture prolonged grief disorder (F43.81) and another to capture the rest of what was otherwise reported under F43.8 (F43.89, “Other reactions to severe stress”).

Has anyone else run into this one?

Thanks, Sara


Diagnosis Code for Billing Drug Testing

dsalazar 3 lat temu w ICD-10/DSM5 zaktualizowano 3 lat temu 2


We have a drug testing lab that does screenings. We have been billing drug testing codes 80307 and 80305 for our own treatment clients for a few years now, and we are just now gearing up to do drug testing for clients referred to us from outside of our own organization. My question has to do with entering a diagnosis code for a client who is coming to us from outside of our own organization. With our own treatment clients, they already have a diagnosis assigned by the clinical staff. With external clients, we won't know the diagnosis or they may not have one. Is there a catch-all diagnosis for drug testing that can be used? I found Z03.89. Does a clinical staff person have to assign the diagnosis? I'm doing the billing for service provided by our lab and there would be no clinical staff to individually assign a diagnosis to each client. We do, however, have a medical director who writes standing orders. I'm hoping someone with experience doing this can give some guidance on my diagnosis questions. Thanks.


Comprehensive Assessments that result in no diagnosis

Jenna 4 lat temu w ICD-10/DSM5 Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Shauna Dall 3 lat temu 6


 We are struggling to get claims paid when a comprehensive assessment result in a no diagnosis - diagnosis. 

Assessment are to figure out if in fact someone has a SUD. Sometimes they do not. 

Has anyone used a specific no diagnosis code they have been able to get paid?




New and expiring ICD 10 codes

Chris Werner 4 lat temu w ICD-10/DSM5 0

You may be aware that on Wednesday, September 30 there are certain ICD-10 diagnoses that will expire. These expired diagnoses will be replaced by updated codes on October 1.

Please familiarize yourself with the list of changes in preparation for this change. The new ICD-10 codes have been added to the Procentive master list and can be added to your Diagnosis Module at any time.

These 2021 ICD-10-CM codes are to be used for discharges occurring from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 and for patient encounters occurring from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021.

For your convenience the full 2021 ICD-10 Table and Index (PDF, published by CMS) is available here (obtained from CMS.gov).

Each agency is responsible for adding and removing diagnoses as they deem necessary based on the services they provide. For a guide on updating your Diagnoses Module, please see this article on our Knowledge Hub.

Any expired diagnoses submitted on claims for DOS 10/01/2020 and later will be rejected. For assistance with these rejections please review this article on our Knowledge Hub.

If you need further assistance please submit a ticket to the Procentive Support Desk.


What ICD-10 are providers using for PICA in adults

Tina B 7 lat temu w ICD-10/DSM5 0

Rule 25 Diagnosis codes

mboron 8 lat temu w ICD-10/DSM5 Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Kim Ross 7 lat temu 6

When providing a Rule 25 and billing H0001, if the client does not have a Substance use disorder, what DX code are you using on the claim in order to get the service provided paid.  We have used Z65.8, BCBS is denying it stating it is not a Chemical Health DX code.




No Diagnosis

Rochelle Garcia 9 lat temu w ICD-10/DSM5 Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Richard Sethre, PsyD 8 lat temu 8


I am searching for the correct ICD10 code for a client who was seen for a Diagnostic Assessment but has no diagnosis. In the ICD10 book I found Z71.1. Has anyone used this dx code? Was it covered?
