Mass email to clients

Rochelle Garcia 5 years ago in Settings Module updated by Celia Gardner 5 years ago 4

Does Procentive have the option to send out mass emails to clients? I know there is a text message option but that only allows so many characters so im trying to find an option to send more information about what is going on in our office.


Secondary Payer Settings

Jeremy Roelofs-Lynch 6 years ago in Settings Module updated 6 years ago 3


I am trying to set up billing a secondary insurance for our locations -- they have never done this in the past!

I found the settings but after some initial testing it wasn't populating the correct $$$ on the claim(s). There are multiple Yes/No options...help!

Use these settings when a payer is the secondary payer:

Subtract these when computing invoice charge on claim:  

Add these when computing the prior payment:             

Subtract these when calculating the invoice charge:

I am hoping someone can share ideas/best practices on how to get secondary payer billed launched.

Thank you!



John-Debbie Trunk 6 years ago in Settings Module updated by Mark Cornell 6 years ago 5


I have no method of communication to you alerting you I have NO access to the databases I work with.

I believe this is due to the Super User Edits.

Please help resolve this asap.

Debbie Trunk

Trunk Consulting, Inc