contact for BCBS PMAP payments

Mardi fa 5 anys en Accounting/Collections Modules updated by amybenson fa 5 anys 34

Please run a 1130 report and email lucas.y.peterson@state.mn.us along with the following information:

organization name

What is your NPI #?

Dates of service in question?

contact name

contact phone

contact email

sample claim numbers that are impacted

summary of the situation.

Let's get someone's attention to the seriousness of this issue for our organizations!



denial software

sadie twite fa 6 anys en Accounting/Collections Modules updated by KatieW fa 5 anys 2

Is anyone else using a separate software to track and work denials? If so, what are you using and how do you like it?

If you are solely working denials within Procentive, are you tracking these on a spreadsheet, running a report?


Offering Employee Benefits Packages

Tracey Malone fa 6 anys en Accounting/Collections Modules updated by Susan Davis LICSW fa 6 anys 5

Our clinic is currently set up with only the option of being Independent Contractors. We are exploring the possibility of developing an employee option/employee benefits package as well. Has anyone been through this process or  have suggestions about options and/or where to go to develop this?


Personal needs funds

Is anyone using Proccentive to manage Personal Needs Funds?  We are looking at adding a payer in Procentive to help us track personal needs funds. Is anyone currently doing this? If so how do you track in procentive?


outsourcing credentialing

Holly fa 6 anys en Accounting/Collections Modules updated by Kari Droubie fa 6 anys 2

Looking for recommendations of agencies that provide credentialing support.  We are considering outsourcing it. We are a Wisconsin based provider. 



Debra Pietsch fa 6 anys en Accounting/Collections Modules updated by sarah fa 6 anys 14

Is anyone having trouble with UBH denying claims for no authorization when no authorization is needed?


Accrual Accounting

Elisa Garibay fa 7 anys en Accounting/Collections Modules updated by Kaia Ellis fa 6 anys 1

Hello  We are a non for profit and are currently implementing Procentive. After the implementation started we found out that Procentive is a cash basis system only.  We are having issues with reporting specifically revenue and also creating a detailed Aging based on Service Date, by Payor regardless whether billed or not. Is their anyone on Procentive with this issue and have you found solutions for this?


Documenting on Quickbooks accurately

Hello, I am wondering if anyone is open to sharing how they document on Quickbooks? 

I am realizing when I enter and invoice. Get a rejection. Then change the invoice date to reflect when we resent that claim - my books are not reflecting accurately. 

I could show I billed out $10,000 to for someone in September.

Get rejected.

Edit those invoices for October. 

So for our board of directors the original September totals would look different after I did that. 

Any input would be great ! Thank you! 


Billing Insurance vs Private Pay

Rochelle Garcia fa 7 anys en Accounting/Collections Modules updated by sarah fa 6 anys 15


Just a general question here...I would like to get advice or know what do other clinics do when a new client with insurance requests that we not submit claims to insurance and would just rather pay out of pocket.  As providers, if we know there is insurance should we submit to insurance or just allow the client to pay out of pocket? Does anyone have self pay policies they would be willing to share?


If a MN provider/facility: Do you add in the MN Care Tax charge as a line item?

Kali fa 7 anys en Accounting/Collections Modules updated by Cindy fa 7 anys 15

Curious to know how other MN Providers use Procentive to track MN Care Tax, and if they pass this onto the client? If you do pass along to client, how do you have this set up in Procentive?
