Repeated "session errors"

Jonathan Beulke 6 years ago in User Group Help updated by Deanna Cahoon-Draus 6 years ago 3

Has anyone else been experiencing random & frequent "session errors?"

I've tried clearing out cookies, cache, browsing history, download history, with no luck.  

This specifically happens consistently, when I try to open a module in a new tab, which I have been doing for as long as I can remember.  Also having the same problem when I click on "Help" and "Chat" which is why I'm posting here.

I'm currently using Chrome on Mac.



The session errors have been resolved as of yesterday, 1/8/2018

If you are continuing to experience the session errors, please send in a ticket to Procentive


Customer Care Specialist

yes I am running into the same issue.....

I experienced this activity earlier this morning. This is no longer happening. The issue on my end has resolved. 



The session errors have been resolved as of yesterday, 1/8/2018

If you are continuing to experience the session errors, please send in a ticket to Procentive


Customer Care Specialist