Christopher Burt 5 years ago in Billing/Electronic Modules updated by Valerie1 5 years ago 8


Has anyone experienced delays in receiving their ERAs from MN-ITS in Procentive? We generally receive ours on Sunday or Monday of the payment week, but still have yet to receive them this week.





Please see the Procentive Live Updates Page. We have addressed this with DHS, and will continue to post updates there. 

Thank you 

Amanda Kaufmann

Customer Success Manager

We have not gotten any either over here.

None here yet,  I keep checking

I ticketed Procentive on this yesterday and they stated" that there appears to be a delay on DHS end. Technically they have till Friday however they typically come in on Wednesdays when there is a delay in their system". Procentive is monitoring this as the week progresses

There is a delay with our Home Health ERA to so must be across the board -checks hit the bank this morning and the paper remit on MNITS is dated yesterday so hoping it comes today.

We are also experiencing a delay with our MN DHS ERA.

Ours are late as well, response from the ticket I sent yesterday from Kris stated:

As for DHS ERAs, we have not seen remits from DHS yet but DHS does have until Wednesday to send them.



Please see the Procentive Live Updates Page. We have addressed this with DHS, and will continue to post updates there. 

Thank you 

Amanda Kaufmann

Customer Success Manager