Ticketing Delays

vpetrik 6 years ago in Billing/Electronic Modules updated by Tina B 6 years ago 6

Is anyone else having issues with tickets in Procentive being addressed in a timely fashion? The last couple of tickets I have sent into Procentive, it has taken at least a week for someone to get assigned to my ticket, and longer to answer the question. I wouldn't normally be bothered, but with the new changes to the payer IDs as of the beginning of the year, it has really caused an issue with billing services out in a timely manner. Thank you!



Good Morning,

I would like to address a couple of the comments listed within this string. While December, January, and September are our highest ticket/chat months we truly strive to stay on top of your questions and requests.

First, We would like to apologize for ticket response times which are outside of our ticketing guidelines (found here: Ticketing Priorities). We are working on a ticket review for all open tickets and we do see a few which have been unaddressed for too long. You will see a reply shortly, if not please re-contact us to draw our attention to it.

Second: The due date field within tickets is only for your internal purposes and Procentive does not view them. We base our response times off the ticket priority and issue to be addressed.

Again, I apologize for any frustration you and your staff may have experienced while waiting or a reply.

Amanda Kaufmann

Customer Success Manager

Yes. This morning. I added a high level ticket. It's been two hours and still waiting. 

I have one waiting 15 days!


Oh my goodness! Thats a little ridiculous, especially if you are paying for those services.

The -29 is for a custom report needed for month end

the -147 is asking that the client phone number be added to the xml file for statements

-184 is a problem with statement notes  not generating proper,y from last July. 

I would say its a problem.

I would say recent tickets have been getting resolved faster just not older tickets.


Good Morning,

I would like to address a couple of the comments listed within this string. While December, January, and September are our highest ticket/chat months we truly strive to stay on top of your questions and requests.

First, We would like to apologize for ticket response times which are outside of our ticketing guidelines (found here: Ticketing Priorities). We are working on a ticket review for all open tickets and we do see a few which have been unaddressed for too long. You will see a reply shortly, if not please re-contact us to draw our attention to it.

Second: The due date field within tickets is only for your internal purposes and Procentive does not view them. We base our response times off the ticket priority and issue to be addressed.

Again, I apologize for any frustration you and your staff may have experienced while waiting or a reply.

Amanda Kaufmann

Customer Success Manager