
Eligibility module very slow today

Kayla Kenworthy 7 lat temu w Billing/Electronic Modules Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Ashley M 7 lat temu 15

Good morning,

We are trying to run eligibility through the Eligibility Module and it's very slow in responses. We used to be able to just refresh after so long and get responses, but now we just have to start all over. Is anyone else having this issue? We've cleared our history, cache and I've restarted my computer. When we do get a response, it says " ERROR java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out"

Anyone else with this same issue?



Good Morning!

DHS has alerted us that their eligibility system is back up. You should be okay to run eligibility through Procentive.

This is what Procentive told me this morning.

DHS identified an issue with their system yesterday and were hoping to have it resolved today but unfortunately, I received a notice from DHS this morning that their eligibility system is still experiencing issues. 

You may be able to use MN-ITS or the automated phone system to check eligibility in the mean time however, until DHS has their eligibility system up and running again you will continue to experience these issues. 

FYI - We go to the MNITS website to check for eligibility for all clients.   This is quicker then calling in as DHS will only review one or two at a time on the phone.  We haven't been able to use the Procentive Eligibility module since implemented and always go on the website.  Note: We haven't had any issues today with the website.

We have also been using MNITS this morning without any issues to check eligibility.

Hi Elisa,

If you'd like I'm happy to help you with setting up the Procentive Eligibility Module. Please send in a Support Ticket if this is something you'd like to work on!

I've noticed every module is running slowly today - I've had my new invoice window open for about five minutes now and it still hasn't loaded everything. Opening group service lines is taking a long time too. Just slow all around today.

This is still after I cleared browser/cache history, per Procentive's update.

Reports coming in from our staff about extremely slow system this morning.  I too have confirmed they have cleared cache and have suggested they reboot, but that does not seem to be helping.   Could this be a temporary catch-up period after the updates? 

Same here.  Been trying to invoice in the Billing Mod for about 30 minutes and just getting the thinking circle.  Cache is cleared, everything was rebooted.  Super fun deadline day.  :(

Same here.  The billing module isn't working at all for us.  Procentive says the engineers are looking into it.

I came in at 6:30 and ran eligibility. Responses changed to 3-1. When I went back in, ALL of them were gone and only 2-1 showed up. Did this2x.

At this time, we are unable to run eligibility checks for ALL payers as well.  This began yesterday late afternoon for us.

We continue to be unable to run eligibility checks after clearing cache, cookies, history, etc.

Good Morning!

Yesterday afternoon we received a notice from DHS that their eligibility system was not working and their team continued working into the night to try and restore it however, the issue is still ongoing. 

Unfortunately, this only affects batch/real time eligibility which is how Procentive is connected to DHS. Our understanding is that MN-ITS and the automated phone system remain functional for eligibility checks.

Our most recent update from DHS was received this morning at 10:30 AM and reads:

I continue to update our Operations Team that we are seeing increased response time, DHS Internal Errors and Time Outs with increased Real Time Eligibility X12 daily volume.  This is a high priority and continues to be worked on. We apologize for this inconvenience.  Other Eligibility 270/271 applications are up and running normally.

Further updates will be posted as we receive them however, we ask users to please wait to run eligibility through Procentive until the update is received that DHS has resolved this issue. As it is March 1st I know eligibility is especially important today and we appreciate the need to check it as soon as possible. 

Until DHS has resolved their system issues eligibility through Procentive will either not work, or work very slowly. For these reasons, the system load times are increased because of how much "effort" the system is putting into trying to check eligibility. Our Systems Engineers are working to help "lighten the load" but in the mean time the less Procentive is trying to check eligibility the more load times should improve.

Thank you!

Ashley, do you know if the DHS issue is resolved so we can resume using the Eligibility Module?  Procentive in general seems better today so I'm wondering if we still need to avoid using Eligibility at this time - ?  thanks

Hi Jana,

No further update has been received from DHS to indicate that this has been resolved. You're welcome to give it a try and see if it is successful!


Good Morning!

DHS has alerted us that their eligibility system is back up. You should be okay to run eligibility through Procentive.