How to prevent service lines from being billed before DA is complete

Kim Ross 7 jaar geleden in Billing/Electronic Modules bijgewerkt door Laura Graff 7 jaar geleden 3

Is there a Procentive feature that prevents services from being billed before the DA is complete? 

Hi Kim,

Do you use the Audit Ready feature to bill service lines connected to documentation out? If so, you could set the change the code(s) you are billing DAs to require audit ready notes before being billed out. Then, when the DA is complete, the clinician can click audit ready, allowing it to be billed out.


I think I misread your question. I was thinking of billing the actual DA out. I’m personally not aware of a way to stop other services from being billed out until a DA is complete, but you could request staff hold off on clicking audit ready until they verify the DA is complete. 

To prevent a service line from being billed, you can go into the time module, click on the far left "date" button of the service line and a window will open.  About halfway down, there is a line that says "Invoiced"  if you click on that you can select "Never Bill".  You would just need to keep track of which service lines you do this to, and then when the DA is complete, you can change it back to "No" and it will automatically pull all service lines for the next billing.