
KNOWN ISSUES: Upgrade coming today to Time Module display

Kevin Holmes 8 years ago in Known Issues updated 7 years ago 11

We have been working on solutions to improve the recent performance issues that customers have been experiencing. One of the performance draws that we have identified recently has been in the Time Module, when customers attempt to display longer date ranges, without first limiting their search to a specific staff or client.

Because of this, we are going to implement a solution in the Time Module. It will be live sometime today. There are two key changes that we believe will help resolve this issue:

1. When you first enter the Time Module, you will need to select either a date range or a staff or location to first trigger the page to load.

2. When you select a date range that is longer than 90 days, the system will prompt you to also select a client or staff first. The only exceptions to the date range limitation will be if you select to show service lines that haven't been billed yet, or service lines that have an error.

There may be further fine tuning of this logic in the coming days, but in order to help improve performance, we are pushing this change through as soon as possible. Once the change is live, we will update this comment again.

Also, this change is just one of the improvements we are making to the system to improve performance. We will make further announcements about these updates soon.

Thank you,

Kevin Holmes

Product Services Director



Thank you everyone for letting us know how you are experiencing the system. We are working on improvements to help with performance. Just in case you missed the post from last week, see below for more details on the work we are currently doing to help make things better:

Hello all,

I just wanted folks to know that we have been paying attention to your concerns over performance, and we have been taking, and continue to take the necessary steps to make improvements.

In addition to modifying the product itself (as we did yesterday with the date selection in the Time Module), we have also increased the processing speed of our servers. These two tasks have already been completed.

Now, engineers are focusing on the "heavier" modules within Procentive. For example, certain modules within Procentive tend to require more processing power, either due to the number of records within the module, or due to the complex search queries that can be performed within them. Clinical/Charting, Billing, and the Client Modules are good examples of these. To help carry the extra load that these modules require, engineers are currently upgrading a database to handle these modules separately. This will not only speed things up for these specific modules, but it will also prevent them from negatively impacting the rest of the system.

And there are other improvements in the works as well.

We do apologize to everyone for the added frustration that recent performance issues have caused, and we ask for your continued patience as we put forth efforts to resolve the problem.

If you have further questions, please let us know.

Thank you,

Kevin Holmes

Director of Product Services

Could you make the location to default to ALL instead of none? Every time I open the TIME module I have to change the location to ALL, and it seems to take a long time for the page to load. Maybe with the enchancements you're talking about things will speed up, which would be great.

Hi Crystal,

Thanks for the idea. I want to wait to see how these changes impact everyone before we make any further adjustments. But we will take this idea into consideration. Have a great day!


I second that idea, would love it!!

Under review

UPDATE -- We have updated our system so these changes are live now.


We are still experiencing major lag times/slowness in Procentive. I have gotten the "kill/wait" warning three times in roughly 30-45 minutes and ultimately had to "kill" my session. My computer sits within 2' of our router. Please let me know what can be done to improve this. Thanks!

We are also continuing to have problems with lag, especially this morning. Improvements in speed/responsiveness would be greatly appreciated!


I am sorry that you are having speed issues. Right now, our system appears to be running smoothly, but given our recent issues I do want to investigate the problem you describe. Please send a ticket to the help desk with some more details. We would want to know what part of the product you are in, what steps you are taking prior to getting the "kill" warning, what browser you are using, etc. Any details you can provide will be useful in helping us determine the cause of the problem. Thank you!


First Street Center agrees with KatieW

I agree on the lag time! Not happy!


Thank you everyone for letting us know how you are experiencing the system. We are working on improvements to help with performance. Just in case you missed the post from last week, see below for more details on the work we are currently doing to help make things better:

Hello all,

I just wanted folks to know that we have been paying attention to your concerns over performance, and we have been taking, and continue to take the necessary steps to make improvements.

In addition to modifying the product itself (as we did yesterday with the date selection in the Time Module), we have also increased the processing speed of our servers. These two tasks have already been completed.

Now, engineers are focusing on the "heavier" modules within Procentive. For example, certain modules within Procentive tend to require more processing power, either due to the number of records within the module, or due to the complex search queries that can be performed within them. Clinical/Charting, Billing, and the Client Modules are good examples of these. To help carry the extra load that these modules require, engineers are currently upgrading a database to handle these modules separately. This will not only speed things up for these specific modules, but it will also prevent them from negatively impacting the rest of the system.

And there are other improvements in the works as well.

We do apologize to everyone for the added frustration that recent performance issues have caused, and we ask for your continued patience as we put forth efforts to resolve the problem.

If you have further questions, please let us know.

Thank you,

Kevin Holmes

Director of Product Services

On the positive side....we are vastly improved from last week, so something is working better!