Does any one bill for telehealth services for mental health
Hello everyone,
We are looking into doing telehealth services and I am wondering if any one currently bills for this? what modifiers do you use? Thank you for your help
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Yes, I have been providing telehealth, or as I prefer to call it, telebehavioral, services for about 9 months, with no payment problems - but I don't provide it for Mediicare patients due to geographical restrictions. The place of service code is 02. I will be presenting on telebehavioral services - what you need to know to get started - for the MN Psych Assoc annual conference on Apr. 11.
you use the 95 modifier for all telehealth services.
I think, based on calling every insurance company that does business in MN, the answer to the question about a modifier varies by company. For example, MH DHS requires the GT modifier. See the link below. Several other insurances told me to just use the place of service code 02, and no modifier. This was one year ago, and things could have changed.....But the DHS info is current: https://bit.ly/2uDNonZ which states:
I should say that in Sept 2018 we received an update that the GT modifier was being phased out and that while most insurances may still accept it, we should start using the 95 modifier. They may accept both at this time -- and while we haven't received any information that you can no longer use the GT modifier, so far we haven't had any problems using the 95 this year. It certainly will take more time, but is always a good idea to call and check with the insurance company.
Hi Richard
I would love to attend the conference to hear your workshop on providing behavioral, unfortunately as a business manager I will be unable to. Would you be interested in sharing your power point with me? or will the workshop be recorded? and would i have access to that recording?
Please Advise
Telehealth, or as I prefer to call it telebehavioral services (to differentiate it from things like radiologists interpreting scans remotely) is a rapidly evolving field. It can be challenging to keep up with the evolving details. I think Laura's advice to check with insurances about their telehealth (they won't call it telebehavioral) policies is savvy. I plan to update info about local companies and create a spreadsheet about their requirements, to be posted on my website - hopefully soon.
In response to Paula's comment, my presentation will not be recorded and my Powerpoint slides will have a lot of info but it would not be clear without the verbal part. I have put many hours - many, many hours - into getting ready to provide telebehavioral services, and plan to create a one hour CE video based on my presentation. It will focus on what MN behavioral professionals need to know to decide whether to start providing telebehavioral services, and what resources they need in order to be properly prepared. It will be free to view and there will be a small charge, to be determined, for the CE credit.
Thank you Richard!
Hi Richard
I am just checking. Did you have a chance to create a one hour CE video based on your presentation of telebehavioral?
HI, Paula.
Thanks for asking! I just finished it, and have applied to the MN Boards of Psychology and Social for CE approval. As soon as I hear from the Boards I will post about it.
Richard Sethre