Stephanie B 5 years ago in Appointments Module updated by Deanna Cahoon-Draus 5 years ago 15

It seems to be standard today to be able Reply C to confirm appointments  for any kind of doctor's office's text or email reminders. Does anyone else find it strange that Procentive doesn't have this feature? 




We wanted to jump in and try to point you all in the same direction regarding this topic. If there are further questions beyond what is listed below then please submit a Support Ticket

Can clients respond to SMS/Text message appointment reminders?
Unless you have specifically requested to have it disabled, clients are able to respond to appointment reminders regardless of what you include in the message. This means, even if your message does not say "Reply Yes to confirm" your clients are still able to reply "yes" and confirm the appointment. If you would like this feature fully disabled, please send a Support Ticket.

What responses from clients are recognized?

The Procentive system for SMS appointment reminders is setup to recognize the following responses: REMOVE, STOP, CANCEL, OK, Y, YES

What if a client responds with something that is not recognized?

An email is sent to the email address entered in the Settings Module > Setup Tab > Reply e-mail for client appointment notifications (required). This email will look something like this:
SUBJECT: Procentive Client Text Response - Unknown
An SMS text response was received from phone number +17155550000 (client 1234)
This reply didn't match any reply keywords. (STOP/REMOVE/CANCEL/YES) Nothing was done with this reply. The message was: C

Where can I see what our clients responded with?

This is found in the email described above and is also found in the appointment. To access this from the appointment, open the appointment and click the "reminder" link at the bottom right below "Created by:"

Thank you,

Amanda Kaufmann

Customer Success Manager

They do have this - we have our appointment reminders set up so clients can Reply "Yes" or "Cancel".

How do you have that set up for the client to Reply or cancel?

Yes, please share how you set that up. I ticketed Procentive about it and they replied that they do not have this feature and are putting it on their list of potential future upgrades.

Im guessing we may have to include the statement reply OK or Cancel in our automated text to clients in order for it to trigger the confirmation in the appointment module.

Hmmm, maybe we're not talking about the same thing, or maybe this is not included in all contracts - ??  I'm not sure, but we have had this in place for years.

We set it up in our Settings Module, Setup Tab, Appointments section - we incorporated the response options into the text of our appointment reminders.

When I go into settings like you said, I see where it is set up. Ours says "do not respond to this text". Is this something that can be changed?

We have ours set up too but I was told that clients cannot respond, or at least that we will not get their response. You can enter it into the message but that does not mean that a response will come back to you. We alert our clients to contact the office or therapist to address cancel/reschedule issues.

We were told that clients couldn't respond either. But it clearly states in the Knowledge Hub that they can: 

If you are sending your clients appointment reminders via text message and your client replies to the text message with OK or Cancel, Procentive will reflect this in the appointment.

And apparently other Procentive users have been using this feature. 

The client's response (if any) is listed in the "reminder" link in the appointment



We wanted to jump in and try to point you all in the same direction regarding this topic. If there are further questions beyond what is listed below then please submit a Support Ticket

Can clients respond to SMS/Text message appointment reminders?
Unless you have specifically requested to have it disabled, clients are able to respond to appointment reminders regardless of what you include in the message. This means, even if your message does not say "Reply Yes to confirm" your clients are still able to reply "yes" and confirm the appointment. If you would like this feature fully disabled, please send a Support Ticket.

What responses from clients are recognized?

The Procentive system for SMS appointment reminders is setup to recognize the following responses: REMOVE, STOP, CANCEL, OK, Y, YES

What if a client responds with something that is not recognized?

An email is sent to the email address entered in the Settings Module > Setup Tab > Reply e-mail for client appointment notifications (required). This email will look something like this:
SUBJECT: Procentive Client Text Response - Unknown
An SMS text response was received from phone number +17155550000 (client 1234)
This reply didn't match any reply keywords. (STOP/REMOVE/CANCEL/YES) Nothing was done with this reply. The message was: C

Where can I see what our clients responded with?

This is found in the email described above and is also found in the appointment. To access this from the appointment, open the appointment and click the "reminder" link at the bottom right below "Created by:"

Thank you,

Amanda Kaufmann

Customer Success Manager

Thanks Amanda. I DID submit a ticket yesterday requesting this feature. I was told it is not available and not in line with your 2019 goals etc.. 

I will submit another ticket but I'm getting mixed messages. 

Is this feature available for email reminders?

Hi Amanda, I sent a second ticket to get this feature enabled and got a reply that i am confusing topics with another ticket my co-worker sent. (I am not) The status was changed to Pending Closure. I called the Procentive line and was told they "will call me back". At this point, I just want the feature enabled for us as I have tested it out on test therapist/clients and it is not working. Can you help me?

Hello Stephanie,

I had attempted to give you a call back shortly before 3pm, but line appeared to be busy. Luckily, Jessica was able to help you out via the ticket around the same time on the ticket you sent in

I apologize for any confusion and hope you have a great rest of your day!

