psych diagnostic code?

beth 6 jaar geleden in Codes/Rates/Diagnosis Modules bijgewerkt door Richard Sethre, Psy D , L P. 6 jaar geleden 5

Does anyone have experience billing MA or other payers for 90801 (psychiatric diagnostic interview examination)? One of our clinicians thought it was being "phased out" (ie not paid) and we should remove it from our codes sheet. 

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! 

90801 is long gone - was discontinued a couple of years ago. The current code is 90791.

Awesome! Thanks for the quick feedback Richard! 

Actually the Intake code for psychiatry is 90792

Ok got it - thanks Kay!

Actually, both 90791 and 90792 are categorized as psychiatric codes: 

90791Psychiatric diagnostic interview without medical services
90792Psychiatric diagnostic interview (for prescribers / medical services)

Anyhow, the original question was about the replacement code for 90801.