
Is anyone else experiencing when entering information into Procentive it is not saving?

anordman 7 years ago in Clinical Charting Module updated by Alicia Swanson 7 years ago 6

Is anyone else experiencing when entering information into Procentive it is not saving?



Hello all,

Procentive is functioning as it should be now, we slowed down for approximately 30 min starting at 2:16 this afternoon.  All information you entered was saving but not displaying what you had done immediately. You did not lose any data but rather it took a while to refresh and display on your screen. 

The why, for all the why people like myself, is that we had a very large query which significantly slowed down a mirror server (the reflection of what is saved to mirror and display the data back to you).  Once the query cleared the mirror server began to speed back up although it does not immediately happen which is why it took the 30 min. 

If you have further questions please submit a ticket to he Care Team so we can look at your specific issue.  

Yep....just sent a ticket

Yes, We also just sent a ticket!

We too are experiencing issues with saving service lines, signatures and appointments. That is what has been reported so far.

Yes - been experiencing this for about 30 minutes.

Us too, but I think it is fixed.  The tickets and appointments we tried to save eventually showed up after refreshing  - it may have been a display lag as that has happened in the past.


Hello all,

Procentive is functioning as it should be now, we slowed down for approximately 30 min starting at 2:16 this afternoon.  All information you entered was saving but not displaying what you had done immediately. You did not lose any data but rather it took a while to refresh and display on your screen. 

The why, for all the why people like myself, is that we had a very large query which significantly slowed down a mirror server (the reflection of what is saved to mirror and display the data back to you).  Once the query cleared the mirror server began to speed back up although it does not immediately happen which is why it took the 30 min. 

If you have further questions please submit a ticket to he Care Team so we can look at your specific issue.