Time Module using Apple Devices

Anne Foss 7 років тому в Time Module оновлений 7 років тому 4 1 дублікат

KNOWN ISSUE: There was recently an Apple update that affected Safari. Due to this update, Time Add is not populating staff name or client name. If you refresh your window, the information populates. Otherwise, you are still able to select staff name and client name manually by typing in the first initial of the staff name. Once you select the staff name, the client list will populate. We are continuing to research this issue and will update this page once we have more information. 

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thanks Anne - is this only affecting users on Apple devices?  I'm asking because I got a report the Appts Module, Staff drop-down was not populating for 2 users yesterday, but when they clicked away and then back to it (basically a refresh), then it populated.  Just seemed like a strange coincidence when I saw your post.  thanks

Thanks for working to solve this. You should know that one of our staff was using an ipad with Chrome browser yesterday evening and was having the SAME issue. However, I have a Mac and use Chrome and have not been able to replicate the problem. So it seems the Apple update must be affecting more than Safari users...

Thank you both for the additional information. Jana, we were able to recreate this too. It could be related. I am passing the information along to our engineers. They are looking into it now.

We have installed a patch to resolve the Staff Drop Down issue in the Time Module. The module should be functioning correctly this morning. We are working on a more permanent fix that should also handle the appointments module.