report 3560 - Procentive Statements

Ashley Kallod 7 year бұрын в Reporting Module updated by Kali 7 year бұрын 2

Is anyone having an issue with report 3560 today?  We are trying to generate statements to send out to our clients, but we aren't getting very far!  I have set the parameters I want, and Procentive builds the statements, but the PDF fails to load.  I have been trying all morning and even moved to couple of other computers in office thinking I was having a compatibility error, but still no luck :-/


Hi Ashley,

This is something that we can definitely assist with if you would like to submit it as a ticket. We will be sure to get this resolved as quickly as we can.




Hello!  I ran Report 3560 - Procentive Statements and it works for me.  Good luck!