
KNOWN ISSUE: UBH/Medica Claims Sent With Medicare as a Payer

Ashley M 8 years ago in Known Issues updated 7 years ago 1

Claims being sent to UBH/Medica (payer ID 87726) with Medicare as a secondary/tertiary payer have the status of "Error" in the Electronic Module. The batch report reads:

Insurance Type Code may be used only for Medicare Payer. Element SBR05 is used. It may be used only when payer is Medicare. Segment SBR is defined in the guideline at position 2900

This message does not apply to these claims and is being sent back from the clearinghouse in error. We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible.

Please watch for updates to this post; these claims will need to be resent once the issue is resolved.

Thank you!



This is now resolved. Please resend all affected claims.


This is now resolved. Please resend all affected claims.