
KNOWN ISSUE: UCare Claims Sent with 90834 Have Rejection

Ashley M 8 years ago in Known Issues updated 8 years ago 4

UCare had an issue with the following rejection message "misfiring" on multiple claims:

The Claim/Encounter is missing information specified in the Status details and has been rejected. Status: NDC number. 

This has been corrected by the payer however, you do need to resend the affected claims.

Please note: This only applies if you received the above rejection message in the Electronic Module on claims sent to UCare.

If you are unsure whether or not this applies to you, please send a ticket to the Support Desk for further assistance.

UPDATE: We have been made aware that this no longer applies only to CPT code 90834. Any code with the referenced rejection message should be resent. 



This is now resolved.


This is now resolved.

FYI...Upon searching my UCare invoices for rejected claims, it was not only CPT code 90834 that rejected, but also 90837, H2019, and psychiatry codes.

Hi Laura,

Thanks for following up. Per the clearinghouse this issue should only be affecting the CPT Code 90834. The others that you mentioned are most likely not related to this issue. 

Hope this helps! 


It was the same denial reason Ashley mentioned in the forum, so just wanted to mention just in case....