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Clinical/Charting Issue

Sheryl Martin 7 lat temu w Clinical Charting Module Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Ashley M 7 lat temu 7

Anyone else having troubles with clinical/charting?  When I click to sort by a column, everything disappears.



That is correct; it is necessary for all users to clear their cache going back at least one week for the resolution to take effect. Instructions on how to do this are available on the Knowledge Hub for Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

Yes. I commented on the Client Module post. Thank you for starting this one!

We are having the same issue. It seems if we click on the form/title column it makes all of the documents disappear. If we then click the date column it appears to come back.

Glad to know I'm not the only one!  :)

Z odpowiedzią

This is now resolved. All users must clear their cache for the last week (at least) for this to take effect.

Thank you for working with us to resolve this.

Ashley, so are you saying I should inform all my therapists to clear their cache?


That is correct; it is necessary for all users to clear their cache going back at least one week for the resolution to take effect. Instructions on how to do this are available on the Knowledge Hub for Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.