
KNOWN ISSUE: Client Module

Ashley M 8 years ago in Known Issues updated by Pam 8 years ago 3

It has have been brought to our attention that only the first page of clients is currently available on the main page in the Clients Module. Our Engineering Team has identified the issue and is working to input a resolution in the servers.

We want to thank everyone for bringing this to our attention and working with us to find the solution. This should be resolved by tomorrow once the servers have been updated overnight.

UPDATE: This also includes the client DOB being displayed in an incorrect format. The format will return to MM/DD/YYYY once servers have updated overnight.



This is now resolved. All users must clear their cache for the last week (at least) for this to take effect.

Thank you for working with us to resolve this.

The Clinical/Charting Module is only showing the first page, as well. Also, if you try to sort - everything disappears.


This is now resolved. All users must clear their cache for the last week (at least) for this to take effect.

Thank you for working with us to resolve this.

I am not able to move through pages in workflow. When I click on the arrow, it stays on the 1st page. I tried clearing they cache but it isn't working.