rule 25 assessment

Sadie 8 years ago in Industry News/Discussion updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

I am wondering if any of you MN facilities currently bill the counties for rule 25 assessments? We can't bill DHS directly and are wondering how you are billing the counties if at all. Thanks!

I believe you have to hold the county contract in order to bill that county - who then either bills the client, sliding fee, adjusts off for not being able to pay. Otherwise it's either insurance or self pay out of your facility.

Does anyone have any more insight on this question?

It is my understanding that in the state of Minnesota it is illegal to bill a client for the assessment if they qualify for the CCDTF or a 638 program.

Most counties don't pay for the assessment with CCDTF funds.  As for billing, the county manages the client's account (for the lack of a better term) for placement and authorization but the State is who pays on the claim and that is who you would send the bill to...these are Medicaid dollars.  Additionally, the client including the SAL agreement (auth) must be entered into DAANES prior to billing or the claim will be rejected.