
Heidi Eckert vor 8 Jahren in Accounting/Collections Modules aktualisiert von crystalp vor 8 Jahren 1

We run the 3560 statement each month however when we first started using it we were told (by Procentive) to run it from 1/1-2/10 is there a reason we should be sending a month and a half worth of charges or was this suppose to be a one time thing and not relayed? Also, how do you run an itemized statement for a specific date (ie: rather than sending a receipt for payment they would like an itemized statement for the payment)

I run the statements at the beginning of each month after closing out the Accounting module and choose "last month" as the filter for dates. I also have the box checked for 'show detail on lines that are past due, outside of date range'. I save copy of the statements in client module.

For an itemized receipt, go to Payments module > view 'payments' > show 'private pay only' then search by client #. Once you find the payment there is a blue link to 'receipt' at the far right, click on that and that will open your itemized receipt.