
KNOWN ISSUES: Slowness Loading

Jessica Sommerfeld 8 years ago in Known Issues updated by Kevin Holmes 7 years ago 5

You may be experiencing longer than normal load times within Procentive. We are looking into this right now and will update this page as soon as we have more details. Thank you for your patience as we work through this.



Hello all,

I just wanted folks to know that we have been paying attention to your concerns over performance, and we have been taking, and continue to take the necessary steps to make improvements.

In addition to modifying the product itself (as we did yesterday with the date selection in the Time Module), we have also increased the processing speed of our servers. These two tasks have already been completed.

Now, engineers are focusing on the "heavier" modules within Procentive. For example, certain modules within Procentive tend to require more processing power, either due to the number of records within the module, or due to the complex search queries that can be performed within them. Clinical/Charting, Billing, and the Client Modules are good examples of these. To help carry the extra load that these modules require, engineers are currently upgrading a database to handle these modules separately. This will not only speed things up for these specific modules, but it will also prevent them from negatively impacting the rest of the system.

And there are other improvements in the works as well.

We do apologize to everyone for the added frustration that recent performance issues have caused, and we ask for your continued patience as we put forth efforts to resolve the problem.

If you have further questions, please let us know.

Thank you,

Kevin Holmes

Director of Product Services

FYI... it appears to have increase responsiveness quite a bit.... thanks for whatever magic happened.

We have over 70 employees in 3 locations. I am receiving many complaints about slowdowns. The issue is quite severe.

System has become non-responsive for us.

We are also experiencing extreme slowness. Earlier it was terrible, after lunch there was improvement and now, tbad again. Very hard to do your job and do it well!!


Hello all,

I just wanted folks to know that we have been paying attention to your concerns over performance, and we have been taking, and continue to take the necessary steps to make improvements.

In addition to modifying the product itself (as we did yesterday with the date selection in the Time Module), we have also increased the processing speed of our servers. These two tasks have already been completed.

Now, engineers are focusing on the "heavier" modules within Procentive. For example, certain modules within Procentive tend to require more processing power, either due to the number of records within the module, or due to the complex search queries that can be performed within them. Clinical/Charting, Billing, and the Client Modules are good examples of these. To help carry the extra load that these modules require, engineers are currently upgrading a database to handle these modules separately. This will not only speed things up for these specific modules, but it will also prevent them from negatively impacting the rest of the system.

And there are other improvements in the works as well.

We do apologize to everyone for the added frustration that recent performance issues have caused, and we ask for your continued patience as we put forth efforts to resolve the problem.

If you have further questions, please let us know.

Thank you,

Kevin Holmes

Director of Product Services