Why is Medicare (and Medicare plans) denying all F43 dx codes?

Stephanie B 3 months ago in Billing/Electronic Modules updated by s beaulieu 2 months ago 5

Effective December, Medicare and plans are denying any F43 code (F43.1, F43.23 etc). 

Those codes are not valid any longer here is what is, You can look at ICD10data.com to see what is active and not. 

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Thanks. I also use that website. It shows F43.10 and F43.23 as active! (The dx in qn is F43.10, not F43.1, sorry for that). 

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HI, I wonder since F43.10 is an "unspecified" code if it wants a primary code more specific to tell them why he/she has PTSD what was the contributing factor?? interesting.... Medicare doesn't like paying for anything....if you find out why they are denying it please let me know- sorry I couldn't help.

Valid, billable dx's denied to date:

F32.9F34.1F41.8F43.10F43.12F43.2F43.22F43.23F44.81, F31.76, F32.2

Per BCBS, this is a known issue they re working on. These denials are in error

Per BCBS: 

An issue was discovered with the way the coding policy was updated, we will be updating the coding policy to allow these services as intended. Once updates are done, we will be ordering an claims report to have claims reprocessed that rejected incorrectly. We do not want members suspending care, please ensure providers that we are working diligently to correct the issue and claims will be reprocessed.