does anyone do billing for intensive outpatient aoda treatment program

tlien 12 months ago in User Group Help updated by ahuseby 12 months ago 16

Aoda - I think you are meaning Alcohol & Drug or Substance Abuse IOP billing, correct?  If so, yes, we bill for Substance Abuse Outpatient IOP & PHP programs.

yes, it is for alcohol and substance abuse. Are you a facility? 

we are not a facility and have been trying to find a resource to see if we can bill for this as a non-facility and have been goggling a lot but it all seems to steer back to facility billing.

For most of our Substance Abuse billings, yes, we bill as a facility, but that just depends on the payer and our contracts as nothing is consistent with payers/codes for Substance Abuse services. 

would it be possible to talk to you someday via phone?

Sure, that's fine.  ahuseby@thevillagefamily.org     or 701-451-4864

what would be a good day/time to call you?

I am thinking my supervisor may also like to join in

My schedule is usually pretty flexible with occasional meetings here and there. This week I only have a meeting on Wed from 12:30-3:30, so I should be around otherwise.  Also I am only here until 4 pm each day. 

I will check with my supervisor and see is she would like to join and go from there.

We are in Wisconsin and it it 2:18 here, where are you located and what time is it where you are?

Fargo, ND so Central time as well. 

I will get back with you tomorrow on a day and time and see if it works for you.

Have a nice evening!

Good Morning,

Does 1pm work for you on Thursday February 29th?

Yep, that works for me. 

It was great talking with you today!

Thank You very much!!

You are very welcome and glad to help!

Hi Amber,

Hope you had a nice weekend!

When you set up the contracts with the payers do they give you the payable billing codes at that time or do you just have to wing it? 


You can send direct questions to my email ahuseby@thevillagefamily.org

They usually won't, no - so you just have to keep asking about them with your contact you are working with.