UCARE- Billing and Service Location
Hello- Looking for input or to see if anyone else is having issues?
UCARE has been processing 2022 Withdrawal Management claims incorrectly. We received communication that the billing provider address is not contracted for Withdrawal Management. Technically not wrong- the Line 2010 Billing provider is our main office. Also on the claim though is line 2310- the service facility location that is contracted. We are being told that the billing location has to be the service facility location. The odd thing is that all claims for all payers go out with the same address set up and no issues with other payers, only UCARE. Another point I do not understand is we offer several different services at several locations and those are processing correctly.
Customer support service by UserEcho
We got this same phone call for our SUD services. We have gone in circles with them and no one really seems to know how to resolve the issue. From a rep we talked to it sounded like it had to do with the location ID that was connected to each of our addresses which would be a Ucare internal issue. However, they did tell us they were going to stop manually correcting these claims and we would start getting denials but we just got some large payments over the weekend. So I'm not sure what is going on with Ucare.
Thank you! How frustrating! I have asked our contract manager with UCARE if I can speak to a claims manager so if we are able to get anywhere I will update. I also sent a ticket to Procentive to see if they have heard of this issue or have other information.
We had been given a similar message, but it died down after we started billing 1115 facilities with the value code. However we haven't gotten a single payment from claims that were billed this way (for nearly 2 months now) and the current message we're getting is that claims with value code 24 have to be processed manually and are now backed up and taking much longer. Incredibly frustrating, we've been talking with our contract manager to push escalation multiple times per week and all we are told is that senior leadership is aware, but there is no ETA.
Thank you. I was given this contact with MN DHS, I was told she works with providers that have issues with UCARE and Might be able to help- Alison Rose 651-431-5580. I have called her a couple times and left messages but have not heard back so I am not 100% sure she can help.
We are having this issue currently as well. It seems to be only for our NPI that shares several different service addresses and Ucare is saying the service location should be billed blank? I did just have a meeting with Ucare and I have opened a case with Availity to try to assist as well. I'm hoping between Availity and Ucare, we can figure out how to resolve. We are receiving payments with no issue for our 2 NPI's that only have a single service location associated.
Any input or comments would be helpful.
Hi everyone! We are working towards a new 245F Withdrawal Management program. I am trying to figure out if we need a separate NPI or if we can use the 245G one we have.
If I am understanding this conversation correctly, having two NPIs is causing problems with billing out of Procentive? Have you tried adding the different NPI under the location?