Do I need a 59 modifier for a H2014 and a H0031 the same day

Laura G 3 years ago in Billing/Electronic Modules updated by Shauna Dall 3 years ago 2

Good Morning

Do I need to use a 59 modifier when billing an H2014 and an H0031 on the same day?  It is also the same therapist.

Thank you,


You shouldn't, since they are different services - but some payers will deny just because there are two submissions. If they deny, you can always resubmit with the modifier.

I agree with Sarah, you shouldn't need the -59 modifier since they are not the same code.

If you submitted on separate invoices some will deny (like BCBS and B+) for same service, same day.  But I've found that if I call them and detail the difference of code and/or modifiers they will send back for reprocessing and you won't have to resubmit.  Good luck!