Duplicate Diagnoses

kajohnson 4 роки тому в Billing/Electronic Modules оновлено LaVonne James 4 роки тому 4

Question about the functionality of the Diagnosis tab as it relates to Inpatient (Residential calendar) billing.  The Diagnosis tab on the Change Client window has the capacity to record detailed, extensive patient diagnosis history, but when it comes to billing inpatient/residential claims through the residential calendar in the time module, all the distinctions from that tab are lost - it seems the full history is pulled in to the claim, regardless of program, date, or status.  Is there a way to use the full capacity of this tab and not have most/all (including duplicates) pull into the claim?

I would love to know the answer to this as well. I have brought this up to Procentive many times but have not gotten a straight answer and not much help when it comes to the residential diagnosis. I had asked for an enhancement to add the diagnosis within the calendar if the diagnosis tab was not going to work the same way it should for OP and MH services. The enhancement was never approved.

I also requested more detail around this. The residential diagnosis codes function differently than others. Individual and group add can be set up to pull only diagnosis codes tied to the program the service line is being added to, but residential time add isn't the same.

Has anyone tried to just bill out a residential claim with all dx coding on it and have it paid? I am talking with procentive regarding this same issue as it is labor some to have to go into each claim and deselect non pertinent dx codes for what I am billing. I do not need MH or nursing dx coding for my per diem and room and board. Very frustrating and tedious time consuming.

I get claims paid with all Dx codes but I get errors in Procentive for duplicate Dx code if there are actually 2 identical Dx codes in the client's Diagnosis tab. No issues otherwise but it would be nice to be able to select specific dx codes at the residential calendar level.