Health Partners (HP PMAP) Comprehensive Assessment Billing?

Jeremy Roelofs-Lynch 5 years ago in Billing/Electronic Modules updated by Teri 5 years ago 3

Has anyone been able to successfully bill and receive payment for the Comprehensive Assessment ($162.24) with HealthPartners PMAP? 


I have submitted to MNMA and the claim denied for invalid # of covered days. Spoke to a claims rep and she said my software is not sending the claim with a total # of days. I ticketed Procentive. I'll let you know the outcome.

Hope this helps :)


Thank you Teri. I think I may have found the issue. When I look at the Fee Schedule on the HP Portal it shows the H0001 Comprehensive Assessment code on the MHS NPI, not SUD. I sent an email to a Provider Rep....fingers crossed!