Mass Notifications

Celia 5 years ago in Appointments Module updated 5 years ago 6

Was the option to send mass notifications to scheduled appointments removed from the Appointments Module?  We often need to send mass notifications when our offices close due to weather.



Hi Celia, 

Just wanted to piggy back off of what was already mentioned, which was correct. This was an enhancement that was made back in July. We posted about this on our Live Updates Page with instructions to ensure agencies didn't miss this change but I understand a lot gets lost in the shuffle! 

I will attach here the update that we had back in July which outlined this change. We're also happy to talk over any of the new permissions around this as well, if you'd like to submit a ticket. 

Thank you!

Amanda Kaufmann

Customer Success Manager

The option still exists so you might have to check your permissions. If you're in the edit roles screen type "mass" in the search for permissions box and it is the only one that comes up. Hope this helps!

Thanks Katie! Not sure what made that change.  I've been a Champion since we began using Procentive four years ago and it was always there.  Anyway, I found it and selected the option.  Thanks for the response!

You're welcome! I think there was an email a few months back that said one of the updates changed the permission or something. Have a great day :)

Aww! It figures I missed it.


Hi Celia, 

Just wanted to piggy back off of what was already mentioned, which was correct. This was an enhancement that was made back in July. We posted about this on our Live Updates Page with instructions to ensure agencies didn't miss this change but I understand a lot gets lost in the shuffle! 

I will attach here the update that we had back in July which outlined this change. We're also happy to talk over any of the new permissions around this as well, if you'd like to submit a ticket. 

Thank you!

Amanda Kaufmann

Customer Success Manager

Thanks Amanda.  I try to catch these things and frequently use the "Updates" option, I just somehow missed this one.  I appreciate your response!