Payer Module

Kali 7 років тому в Payers Module оновлений 7 років тому 4

When I go into any Payer Module --> "Rates Tab" the remainder of the tabs that open up below the "Rates Tab" do not display the names.  They're cut off and I cannot read which sub-tab I am in under the "Rates Tab".    Anyone else experiencing this??

This is also happening with us.  I have just been lucky enough to remember what tabs I have needed.

I would like to third this- has been happening for a couple of weeks now. 

Jessica Sommerfield with Procentive said:   

We are aware of the issue and unfortunately it is out of our control as it is a result of the most recent Chrome update. Our engineers continue to look into this and have tried several fixes, however in the end they need Chrome to fix this on their end. Unfortunately, they aren't in any hurry :( 

Chrome does do fairly frequent updates, so hopefully one of them in the near future will resolve this specific issue.